Thursday, 28 June 2012

News to 14 Jan filtering through

As events reach mid February, news is spreading across all England about what happened in the first couple of weeks in January.

The calamitous Scots started the new year in  a debacle. It took a week to muster their army and when it began to march south the generals insisted upon marching through blizzards. The roads became quite impassable and the army was last seen billeted in makeshift tents on the outskirts of Edinburgh.

Parliamentary armies around Lincoln (Fairfax), Boston (Manchester), Windsor (Essex) and Farnham(Waller) have all been quiet with only small patrols pressing on through wind and snow.

In the North West the stout Royalist Byron force-marched his army passed hostile towns in the blinding snow to reach the midlands.

Maurice in Shrewsbury was thought to be heading south towards Gloucester yet his brother Rupert was seen heading north towards Shrewsbury with a picked band of horsemen. Hopton in the south east remained in quarters as did the King's forces around Oxford.

Parliamentary stronholds of Gloucester, Poole, Lyme and Plymouth remain under light seiges.

Montrose spent the new year whispering in the King's ear and was last seen boarding a ship at Bristol accompanied by gold and powder.

The terrible weather has made marching and the transmittion of news extremely difficult.      

Friday, 15 June 2012

more january news

It appears Maurice left Shrewsbury with an army early in the month, marching south through rain and snow. Parliamentary troops under seige at Glouceser haven't seen any new arrivals in the area though.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

31 january

Well, the weather has been terrible across the Kingdom. Snow and rain have continued for the last two weeks making marching and even the transmitting of messages extremely difficult.

News is taking time to filter round the country. The Scots are quiet. becalmed by the snow drifts?
Rumours reach all corners of the Kingdoms about Montrose taking ship from Bristol in mid January.

And Byron has bravely taken his army out from Chester and heading south east bypassing Parliamentary held towns and braving the rough weather.

It is also rumoured that a strong force of horse led by Rupert has headed north from Bristol.