1644 An attempt at an English Civil War campaign (As at 16
May 2012)
with errata added in the FAQ sectionRoyalist, Parliament and Covenanter specific rules have not been included here for obvious reasons
I intend to run a play by email campaign which seeks to give
some simulation of the English Civil War in 1644. There are few hard and fast
rules. Players represent generals and all orders are followed through in the
style of the period- with events happening in line with 17th century
reality. So there are no strict limits on the speed of troop movements, length
of time of sieges or even formulas for working out the odds. The umpire
controls all these things. It’s a map based game with battles possibly fought
on the umpire’s table- with accompanying battle reports. Orders and reports
will be sent by email.
The King controls his armies and sends out orders to his
appointed generals. Parliament gives orders to its generals and sits back and
waits to see what happens next. Players represent the main protagonists in the
war, commanding regional forces. Very few will have the overall picture of what
is happening in the country at any specific moment in time.
The game starts on 1 January 1644 and will end (if it makes
it that far) on 31 December 1644. The Scots have gathered an army and are set
to move south. Regional forces across the country are poised to start the New Year
seeking to gain the upper hand.
Orders will be issued by the protagonists and events will
unfold. Official reports will be provided for each campaign week. Players may
be inactive for some time or they may not. All that is required is a commitment
to participate and a willingness to submit orders as soon as possible. I can’t guarantee how things will go but hope
it will proceed as hoped for.
It is intended for the campaign to be rolling and not run to
a set of deadlines. Events nationally may slow as events in one region take
priority but mainly it will be in the hands of the umpire to move things along-
provided players do their bit too.
Orders will be needed strategically and then may well come
down to a campaign week or day depending on circumstances. All communications will be run through the
umpire and participants will only be revealed at the end of the game.
Players will guide the main armies across the country but
they must not forget that localised actions abound- or that new forces may be
raised by local citizens. Events may not turn out as expected....
The game may work or it may fold under the weight of
expectation, lack of excitement, umpire or player fatigue, but if you are
interested then please do get in touch.
14 players are required to play the game. I may be trying to be too
ambitious but if you are willing to be relaxed about it we can see how things
go. Feel free to ask questions and seek clarification if things aren’t clear.
The campaign will start once all players have been assigned roles.
Initially positions exist in the first instance for
1, The King, 2.Rupert, 3. Maurice, 4. Newcastle, 5.Byron, 6.Hopton
and 7.Montrose
8. Parliament (mainly a watching brief directing operations
as they unfold and then trying to react),
9. Waller, 10. Essex, 11.Fairfax, 12.Manchester,
13.The Covenanter Kirk ( again mainly a watching brief in
charge of allocating forces and appointing generals but some decision making
Other positions may arise as situations develop.
Playing the game
On 1 January 1644 current troop dispositions will be sent to
the King and Parliament and both sides will appoint their commanders to troops (creating
regional armies?) and a plan of action.
Troop allocations
Full strength foot regiments will be 500 strong and Cavalry
400. Each general must name his regiments and also, where appropriate, appoint
officers to command his foot and horse brigades (following historical example
where possible). E.g. a force of 2000 foot and 1000 horse commanded by the
Marquess of Newcastle will have 4 regiments of foot and 3 of horse. Each
regiment will need a name and an officer appointed as infantry commander (Mackworth)
and Horse commander (Goring)
Other generals can be given commands and orders which may
involved additional players. Eg the commander of Hull can be issued orders by
Parliament. The umpire may control the troops or a real life player assigned
the role.
A general map will be provided to all players but troop
movements will be made in two ways.
General moves. Instructions will be given naming towns en
route- using A/B roads as shown on road maps . Ignore the motorways except for
m6 in Cumbria, a1m and other motorways following old roman roads
Specific. Once armies/troops come close to one another more
detailed maps may be issued to facilitate detailed movements.
1st of the month
Revenues are collected and spent/transported if desired.
Powder is bought
Troops are paid (nominally and assumed to be paid unless it
is mentioned otherwise)
All settlements mentioned in the lists supplied are assumed
to have garrisons of between 500-3000 troops. Other towns on the maps will have
garrisons too though. (and the size of settlement is based on the 17th
century not the road map). These can be stripped out to form/join field forces
if required. Field forces can be added to existing town garrisons too. Empty
towns may of course change sides or be easily taken. This could affect troop
morale and performance ! The bigger the garrison the more likely it is that the
town will be able to withstand a siege or assault.
Supply. As long as troops can trace a route to a settlement
they are generally assumed to be in supply. The Scots must trace a line back to
Scotland via land or sea port.
Sacking. Troops can sack settlements they pass through or
conquer. Revenue/pay will be raised. But
all actions have consequences.
Settlements; Seiges/storming/subtefuge All three manners can
be used to take a settlement. Who knows how long a siege will take... or if an
assault will succeed. Check the history books for a guide to the strength of
each settlement. Of course, the bigger the garrison the better the defence.
Settlements can and will impede the movement of enemy forces
in the vicinity.
Powder must be transported with an army, if it is to fight
to its full effect.
Powder and revenue. Both can be transported in convoy to
other locations. The bigger the guard the more likely it is that a convey will
reach its destination. Hostile settlements en route could well impede movement!
Recruitment. Each general can recruit new troops at any time
in the settlements he controls. He can call out the local trained band too !There
is no cost involved but there is no guarantee anyone will turn up to fight
though. Some troops can be raised through payment as outlined in the player
specific rules. A Levee en mass can be attempted to replace major troop losses
Settlements with garrisons,
A map will be issued to each side which outlines the general
state of the country. The following settlements have garrisons which will
influence matters- although there maybe others that spring to mind as the game
Berwick, Newcastle, Sunderland, Scarborough, Bridlington,
York, Tadcaster, Durham, Selby, Carlisle, Richmond, Pontefract, Wakefield,
Retford, Newark, Chester, Shrewsbury, Worcester, Banbury, Oxford, Reading,
Marlborough, Devizes, Sailsbury, Bristol, Bridgewater, Barnstaple, Taunton,
Abingdon, Hereford, Exeter, Weymouth, Winchester, Ashby de la zouch
Lancaster, Preston, Bolton, Manchester,
Warrington, Nantwich, Liverpool, Stafford, Leicester, Nottingham, Coventry,
Norwich, Ipswich, Cambridge, Warwick, Aylesbury, Marlow, London, Fareham,
Arundel, Hull, Gloucester, Lyme Regis, Plymouth, Poole, Southampton,
Portsmouth, derby, Northwich, Bedford, Boston, Market Drayton, Aylesbury,
Lincoln , Northampton
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